MEGAL Pipeline System
The MEGAL pipeline system is a part of the market area THE and offers a bi-directional cross border point at the German-Czech border in Waidhaus, at the German-French border in Medelsheim as well as at the bi-directional cross border point at the German-Austrian border in Oberkappel. The MEGAL pipeline system consists of two pipelines: the MEGAL Nord (North) pipeline and the MEGAL Süd (South) pipeline which are connected via a 40 km-long connection line between Schwandorf and Rothenstadt.
The MEGAL Nord pipeline comprises two parallel pipelines with a length of 460 km each. The MEGAL Nord connects the two cross-border points at Waidhaus and Medelsheim. Four compressor stations are currently required for its operation. These compressor stations enable a bi-directional gas flow. The pipeline is operated at a pressure of maximum 84 bar between Waidhaus and Renzenhof, and maximum 80 bar between Renzenhof and Medelsheim.
The MEGAL Süd pipeline consists of two pipelines. The first pipeline has a length of 169 km and connects Oberkappel at the Austrian border and Schwandorf in Bavaria. The pipeline is operated at a pressure of maximum 67.5 bar. The parallel pipeline between Windberg and Schwandorf was taken into operation in 2012, has a length of 72 km, and is operated at a pressure of up to 100 bar. The two compressor stations enable a bi-directional gas flow.
Downstream Network Operators
Head Office | Network Operator |
Essen | Ferngas Netzgesellschaft mbH |
Munich | Bayernets GmbH |
Regensburg | Bayernwerk Netz GmbH |
Saarbrücken | Creos Deutschland GmbH |
Worms | EWR Netz |
Annual Offtake Quantity & Simultaneous Annual Peak Load
Withdrawn annual quantity and annual peak load

Gas Specification
The MEGAL transmission system serves the transport of natural gas to Germany and neighbouring countries. Therefore, special requirements with regard to the gas specification must be observed. The gas entering or exiting the entry or exit points of Natran Deutschland Gmbh must comply with the respective provisions of the DVGW Worksheet G 260, 2. Gas Family, and the respective Wobbe Index.
In addition, the particular specifications of Natran Deutschland GmbH must be observed at the entry points at Wildenranna and Waldhaus. Total input delivered to MEGAL must not deviate from the specifications at the cross-border point at Obergailbach in France. Gas specification is evaluated in the process of contract negotiations.
For downstream network operators
A close cooperation is required between all network operators in order to implement the network access model as laid down in the cooperation agreement. In this respect, Natran Deutschland occupies the role of the upstream network operator.
Downstream operators can find here support materials for the implementation of the „Zwei-Vertragsmodells“.
Internal Ordering
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If you have any questions and/or comments, please email smile@natran-deutschland.de
Publication of Capacity Details for Internal Ordering
Capacity details for the calendar year 2021
Capacity details for the calendar year 2020
Capacity details for the calendar year 2019
Capacity details for the calendar year 2018